Why AHA Mondays?

This once-a-month forum was primarily created as an Open Q&A session for commercial multifamily real estate investors to ask experienced operators and colleagues attending the session, about the industry, the current market trend, and any deals they want an opinion on or, would like to share good/bad experiences.


The whole objective of this forum is to share real stories, educate each other, celebrate successes, discuss lessons learnt and share things that aren’t normally shared in an open non-judgmental safe environment. 


Hemant (Hey-Month) starts the discussions by preparing for one central/key topic that people suggest a discussion on and then, much more that comes up on the spot. We like to tell it as it is. No false rosy picture. No sugar coating. No sales-pitch. No “guru” talk. Hemant’s biggest coach in life has been the mistakes he made and the lessons learned, which he loves to share. This helps many newcomers from making same mistakes on their journey in multifamily and commercial real estate.


Note- All sessions may not be recorded depending on the discussion and any shared sensitive data. You will get a link to the meetings and any recordings once you register. A reminder of this meeting is sent a week and a day before the event.